Collaborate with the right people

As someone who enjoys working on things alone, to do it 100% my way, to collaborate with someone on a project feels very nice. It makes me actually like working with people. I think I would like to do more collaborative projects, with the right partners who share a similar goal.

I feel like I have more purpose in my life now than I did just months ago. I wake up with this fire in me. I sleep still thinking of the same subject. For years, all these thoughts I'd been pushing away and despairing about can finally come out and be put to good use.

Ironically, I'd signed up for Greg McKeown's free 3-day effortless course, and am now ignoring that to keep working in the flow of editing. But I think he'd understand, and I'll watch the replay sometime. 


An overlooked ingredient for healthy development


Notice the base of the mountain