Quotes I love & Random musings


“Not all storms come to disrupt your life, some come to clear your path”

“If you are depressed you are living in the past.
If you are anxious you are living in the future.
If you are at peace you are living in the present.”

― Lao Tzu

“Do not kill the part of you that is cringe—kill the part of you that cringes.”

“The first thing I would like to emphasise is that ‘reality’ is not the problem. When people come to see me professionally, their assumption is that it is their life that is a mess, their situation that is a disaster, and thus that is the problem they are seeking help for.This is an incorrect assumption, no matter how true it feels. Reality just is and shit happens!”

Excerpt From

The Book of Knowing

Gwendoline Smith

”Get good at learning by learning more different things”

Perks of living in Wellington:

Walkable. Artsy people. Nature..

My favorite thing to do recently was watch free outdoor entertainment activities. They were friends performing and it was such a good time, a combination of many things I love like sun and fun. It was lovely we could walk to all the activities we wanted.

The downside of this perk is more opportunities to spend and the usual downsides of city life, like trash. At this point in life I’d rather live somewhere more clean, less noisy, and more serene. I don’t mind having to drive to get to those places. In fact, my hometown has a perfectly beautiful serene library I can walk to and peaceful surroundings. It’s a beautiful place to grow up and I really took it for granted. Car-centricity is a small price to pay for the ability to be quiet, reflective, and alone.

Oh my, I’m introverted, aren’t I? I love work as the outlet to interact with people. I do love work.
