Show Your Work
Whose work I’ve consumed this past week, and what insights I’m pondering :
Austin Kleon: I read Show Your Work and am listening to many of his interviews.
I’m thinking about what sceniuses I want to be a part of and create. Create a scenius ecosystem, not a genius egosystem.
Energy vampires: People who suck energy out of you. Cut them out.
Networking = putting your work out there and seeing who responds to it
I could go on and on about Show Your Work. Will probably do a challenge to implement all its teachings.
Mel Robbins: Do what gives you energy, not just what you’re passionate about.
Srinivas Rao of Unmistakable Creative: In the future creators will be limited more by their own imagination/creativity than technology. Already with smartphones people have filmed whole movies.
Oprah’s interview at the Stanford GSB: How after interview, the interviewee no matter who they are asks: “Was I seen? Was I heard? Did you understand me?” No matter what, we’re all human and seek to be heard.
I feel an immense privilege in being able to share a space with people and help them feel this way.
Joe Vitale’s wealth mindset: We don’t create abundance, we create limitations. The purpose of money is to express appreciation. Flip the script from “I write books to keep making money” to “I make money to be able to keep writing books.” Your mentality determines what you can get. Act like you have it, then you’ll get it. The Secret.
Ali Abdaal: Build an online audience, give them loads of stuff for free.
Logistically, I tried out the Mem notetaking system because of its bidirectional linking capability. I’m not too sold on it now for my basic needs - I still use Apple Notes primarily. But I need something with slightly more organization than Apple Notes.
What ideas inspired you this week?