Consistency beats intensity

30 minutes a day each morning. That’s how much neuroscientist Wendy Suzuki exercises. And Dr. Rangan Chatterjee does a 5 minute strength workout 7 days per week!

No matter how lazy or tired I feel, I try to peel myself off the bed and do something. The hardest part is getting started with a workout. Some days I won’t even call it a workout - it’s really just jumping and walking around and some stretching - but I do it. 99% of the time I feel better about myself afterward and more awake.

I’ve realized the compounding value of little bits of movement scattered throughout the day, rather than going in 1 intense push which leaves me feeling burn out for the days following.

Wisdom nuggets from today:


Dr. Lisle lecture notes (TrueNorth 1/27/23)


The Modern Struggle and Modern Devil